Emily Harper
First Assistant Secretary, Market and Workforce Division
Department of Health and Aged Care
As First Assistant Secretary, Market and Workforce Division – Ageing and Aged Care Group within the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Emily oversees a variety of policy and program areas including those related to dementia, workforce, market intelligence and monitoring, diversity and First Nations Aged Care.
Emily joined the Market and Workforce Division in July 2024, having previously held Senior Executive positions within the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Division, the Office of Health Protection and Response and as Chief Budget Officer within the Department. Emily started her career as a nurse, working clinically for several years before undertaking various Senior Executive roles within State Government and in the private sector prior to joining the Australian Public Service. Emily has tertiary qualifications in nursing, forensic science, epidemiology and public health.
Departmental Address: Building a highly skilled, well-rewarded and valued aged care workforce
Building better working conditions and higher job satisfaction for aged care workers
Improving training and education in aged care to deliver quality, safe care